Musudapatti is a beatifull village situated in S.pudhur Union, Sivaganga Dt.,Tamilnadu, South India. We have eight villages ( ETTU PATTII ) and living together peacefully and lot of happiness. We have here Lord Suravali amman who is The powerfull God gives all support and blessing to these villages and sub urbs. We have Lord Ayyanar who is giving full security to us. No body will escape from him.
This village only gives life, growth and education to us. We respect and thank all musundapatti people to provide these things and we are proud of our village.
We kindly request you to visit our GOD Lord suravali. You will get every thing which you think positively. In this movement, I remember my father Mr.M.Ramasamy chettiar who was a supporter of Musundapatti provided all sort of help and development of these villages.
Please contacr this mail id who ever wants to join with us. we will start an organisation ie RIHGTTRUST for youth development.
Be proud of musundapatti people.
ReplyDeletemy place very nice